Michał Kanonowicz (chairman of the Initiating Committee)
Aleksander Kobylarek

Jacek Gulanowski
Foundation "Pro Scientia Publica" (http://www.proscientiapublica.pl/) was founded in 2010 by Aleksander Kobylarek (assistant professor in the Department of Education of the University of Wrocław). Its main aim is the support of self-development of young academics (pre- and post-graduate students) and the support of various educational initiatives which strive to create a bond of cooperation between circles, whose mission is making and popularisation of science: between the masters and apprentices of the society of knowledge. The foundation mostly stimulates and supports the activity of the young academic talents, providing them with opportunity of a good start in the world of science and promoting their academic achievements.
Interdisciplinary Science Club "Variograf" (http://www.variograf.uni.wroc.pl/) was founded by students of Educational studies at the University of Wrocław in 2006. Aleksander Kobylarek has been the academic supervisor of the club since the beginning. The aim of the club is to provide the chance for the students to take part in the life of the Academia and guide them in their first steps of individual academic work. Another aim is to support the cooperation of representatives of different branches of science: especially humanities and social sciences.
The club has been organising an annual Interdisciplinary Students Conference "Talents" (http://www.talenty.uni.wroc.pl/) in the University of Wrocław since 2006. The average number of students taking part in the conference (and presenting a paper) is over 100. It is the largest event of this kind in Poland. The papers written by the participants have been published subsequently as four books, since 2011 as a reviewed academic annual "Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk": printed (ISSN 2299-2014) and on-line (http://ogrodynauk.pl/).